The Citizens United case involved a corporation that made an anti-Hillary Clinton movie. And it took the U.S. Supreme Court to say it was OK to show the movie. It should have been a cut and dried 1st Amendment freedom. But Democrats and pro-Hillary people couldn't have those kinds of freedoms in the hands of ordinary people.
The Supreme Court held that a group of people pooling their money to make a movie are entitled to the same 1st Amendment rights of individuals acting alone. Democrats had a cow.
And Hillary Clinton has vowed to eliminate that right. If you have any doubts about that, see Hillary Clinton will push constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, Clinton pledges constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United ruling and her own website.
Then there's the 2nd Amendment. There has been little question on where Clinton stands on gun right. Oh sure, she boasted about hunting with her dad, but her remarks reveal her animus toward gun owners. Hillary Clinton goes on the attack over gun control.
Whether she relies on executive orders or Supreme Court rulings -- after her hand picked justices take their seats -- citizens are at risk of losing the rights they enjoy under the 1st and 2nd Amendments.
Vote in November as if your rights depended on the outcome.