Question: Is doing homework and studying for school still "acting white" is some communities? Or is that an urban legend? We've heard it for years, and with no denials coming forth, one has to suspect it's true, at least in some communities. Maybe it's inner city machismo.
That legend is all grown up now, along with the kids who perpetuated it while in school. Incidents occur in which someone doesn't drop his weapons when asked to do so by armed police. See, for example, Police Say Video Shows Keith Lamont Scott Had Gun in Hand in Charlotte.
It appears as if dropping one's gun when a police officer yells "Drop your gun" may be the new "acting white."
Machismo requires that the person on the receiving end of that command never back down from a police officer. Be a man or die trying. It used to be called "suicide by cop." Then it became martyrdom. Que the riots.
What a shame, especially so since politicians are using these incidents to solidify voting blocs.