Team Hillary was yearning for Donald Trump to win the Republican nomination as part of her grand strategy, although Ted Cruz or Ben Carson would do. The goal was to try to help build up these conservative Republicans to help them get the nomination so that Hillary Clinton could more easily roll over them. What? Another Mitt Romney would be too hard to beat?
This information comes from a Wikileaks leak which tells us about in Leaked Emails Show That Trump Was a Tool Used by the Hillary Campaign From Day One.
Democrats are remarkably wily politicians, and this is a good example of the type things they do. Saul Alinsky would smile. Make the opposition take an extreme position, then brand them with it.
Donald Trump was the ideal candidate for "Operationalizing the Strategy" to draw in primary voters for a candidate that could be painted as too extreme for the populace.
One of the goals was quite functional: muddy the waters against any attacks against HRC.
Do Republicans do this? If so, with the msm as Democrat operatives, Republicans are working with one hand tied behind their backs.
Meanwhile, Donald Trump has been counted out before, and if his boasts about sexual conquests don't score a knock out for Hillary, he's still got a chance. So Hillary, be careful what you wish for. If you lose, you could end up Operationalizing a new theme: "I fought the law, and the law won."