That's not a direct quote, but it works better to highlight the absurdity.
The real headline was Michelle Obama: ‘We Need Someone Who’s Honest and Plays by the Rules’ as President. Duh, as the kids say.
It's safe to say that George W. Bush was honest and played by the rules, and that factors in the fiction invented by Democrats about lies about Iraqi weapons. The problem is that we haven't had an honest president in almost eight years. I'll leave it to readers to do their own searches for the long list of Obama lies which, of course, would be incomplete if it didn't include that whopper about being able to keep your doctor or insurance plan.
Could Ms. Obama have been making a pitch for Hillary Clinton? HA HA! That's too absurd to even contemplate. Leftists have to lie to get their agenda passed. No one in their right mind would vote for it if they understood what it involved. So they lie about lying.
The choice in November is between a loud mouth show boat or a bald faced liar.