Ira Stoll continues to amaze with his brilliant observations. His latest at, Jonathan Gruber Discovers ‘Stupidity’ Is Wrong Word For American Voters, reminds us how Gruber disparaged ordinary Americans when he called them too stupid to understand the complicated Rube Goldberg contraption he designed called Obamacare.
As Donald Trump and Republicans commence dismantling and replacing the bill, Mr. Stoll makes this astute observation:
If voters are going to start blaming politicians for their health insurance and medical bills, the anger in the next election could be directed at the Republicans who now hold control of the White House and both houses of Congress.
Yeah. They'd better get it right, and in a hurry. Democrats lost the House of Representatives two years after Obama was elected president. Republicans have a window of opportunity. If they're smart, they'll do what they need to do while they have the power.