If there are any groups of people in the U.S. who have gotten a raw deal it's the people who tried to organize Tea Party groups.
They tried to get tax exempt status, and it's no secret that in many cases that status was denied or endlessly delayed for what appears to have been political meddling by the IRS. Under most circumstances, that would have been a big NO-NO. But in the Obama administration federal agencies were politicized to the extent no other administration had ever done, at least as far as we know.
And even today we read that two Tea Party groups' applications were denied by the IRS. See IRS denies tea party groups after long wait for decision on tax-exempt status.
Meanwhile, as we watch video of rioting anti-Trump mobs it's useful to remember who is backing them. Blake Montgomery reports that lo and behold, the radical organizer ANSWER Coalition is right in there swinging.
In case you're wondering whether they've got a tax exemption, look no further than their donate page where they helpfully explain the following:
Donations to PUF / ANSWER Coalition are processed by our fiscal sponsor, the Progress Unity Fund, a 501(c)(3) organization.
You may also make a tax-deductible donation by mailing a check made out to Progress Unity Fund / A.N.S.W.E.R. to the following address: ...
(Bold added, address withheld.)
Their tax exempt status should certainly be investigated. And if Donald Trump really intends to drain the swamp he should start with the IRS.