Mansplaining Hotline, what is your emergency?
Female Caller: I would like to report a case of mansplaining.
MH: What happened?
FC: He started out interrogating me. He was all, "Why didn't you turn the light off when you left the room?" Then he went, "That light has been on all day."
MH: Go on.
FC: Then he started with the mansplaining: "I work hard to pay the bills around here. And electricity isn't cheap. We don't need to waste it by leaving the lights on all day. We've been over this a million times. Electric lights burn electricity whether you are in the room or not. And when you aren't in the room, you don't need the light. So when you leave the room turn off the G__ D___ lights!"
MH: Uh.
FC: Hell, I knew all that. He didn't need to explain it. That's mansplaining, right? Can you send the cops?
MH: Sorry ma'am, we're a union operation, and you have to be at work before we can help you. What you need is the Skinflint Husband Hotline -- they'll set you up with a good divorce lawyer who'll shake the coins out of that cheap bastard.