Mark Steyn tells what happens from time to time in Britain. A story will make the media rounds about some horrible thing that happened to a patient in a government run hospital, and the public is appropriately appalled. Then a few weeks later there will be a story highlighting some individual expressing gratitude to the service for saving his life. So it balances out, and nothing is done, and everything goes on as if the first incident didn't happen.
Part one of that scenario is happening at the Department of Veterans Affairs, our version of government healthcare. Two recent headlines:
VA dentist resigns after possibly infecting 600 veterans with HIV and hepatitis, and
4 quit after Oklahoma veteran with maggots in wound dies.
Unfortunately for the VA, there didn't seem to be anyone coming along later with a heartwarming story about how they saved his life. They didn't even try to claim the maggots were part of the healing regimen.
Godspeed to those who want to reform the department. Oh, and the same to those who want to repeal and replace Obamacare, too.