Not long ago there was speculation that Barack Obama, once he's out of office, would try to establish his own network to try to stay relevant. A post at this blog encouraged him to do that so that he and his cohorts could exercise their lamentations over their victimization in their own bubble.
So here's a quote from this article: Obama's threat to meddle with Trump’s administration if Muslim registry is created. To wit:
Speaking to The Daily Show, Mr Obama, who will be leaving the White House in January, suggested he would not sit idly by if the billionaire implemented policies “going against American values”.
Lefties have been co-opting our language for a long time. And there's an example. The phrase "American values" can't possible mean the same thing to him as it does to those of us who don't subscribe to the leftist agenda. Obama has put his thumb in the eye of real "American values." But for him to sound hypocritical is not a new thing.
Anyway, one has to wonder how big a market there will be for Obama's opinions about current events once he is out of office. Currently, the cable news channels shut down normal programming whenever Trump, Obama, or Clinton walk up to a podium. Most cable viewers are probably getting tired of it. If it continues much longer maybe it's time to turn off the TV and open a book.