It's a trap! It's a trap!
Prominent lawmakers proclaim that three years is a suitable time for replacing Obamacare. One would think it would be Democrats who are trying to stretch it out to three years, but no, it's Republicans. See It could take 3 years for Republicans to replace Obamacare. Excerpt:
“We’re talking about a three-year transition now that we actually have a president who is likely to sign the repeal into law,” Cornyn told reporters Wednesday, according to Politico. “People are being, understandably cautious, to make sure nobody’s dropped through the cracks.”
Chuck Schumer is egging them on. To wit:
"They know they can't just repeal it, so they say we'll do it three years from now," the New York Democrat said. "They have nothing to put in its place, and believe me, just repealing Obamacare -- even though they have nothing to put in its place and saying they'll do it sometime down the road -- will cause huge calamity from one end of American to the other."
For the next two years Democrats and the main stream media will be drumming into the public consciousness how crazy Trump is and how mean Republicans are in general. Trump hysteria started during the campaign, and in the month since the election it has metastasized into full blown Trump derangement syndrome. There's obviously an audience for this. And it will get worse.
By 2018 voters will be suitably brainwashed and ready for change. And Democrats will win control of the House or the Senate. Then any chance for a repeal-and-replace will vanish.
Republicans, do it now! There's a window of opportunity that will eventually close. Democrats are counting on Republicans missing it.