It was based on a Swedish TV show called Real Humans, then remade by some Brits into the Humans that was broadcast on AMC. It was pretty good -- Rotten Tomatoes gave Season 1 88/91.
It was about a product innovation that had become very popular -- lifelike robots who would perform all our daily tasks. So far so good.
Spoiler alert!
It seems that one of the developers had implanted a chip in some of them that made them a little bit too smart, a little bit too independent, and a little bit too ruthless. Drama resulted.
The bots were presented as sympathetic near-humans who were persecuted and hunted down by vindictive human government agents. Season one ended when a bot owning family helped the rogue bots escape.
Smart viewers may make a connection with the immigration problem facing Europe today whereby new immigrants from repressive cultures arrived unaccustomed to their new social freedoms and sort of go crazy. But jaded American viewers won't have any trouble tuning out any leftist message. We've been doing that for years.
Anyway, Season 2 begins Tuesday, February 13, 2017, on AMC. I've set my VCR. (That's an antique video recording device seldom seen except at nursing homes and garage sales.)