Most Americans, whether religious or not, are tolerant of others who are. In fact, intolerance of some religions will have the government coming down on your head and true believers wanting to remove your head.
The chanters in the video of the meeting of Sen. Bill Cassidy (R, LA) strain credulity when they yell "Pray on your own time." We talked about this the other day -- protesters at Republican town halls are not dissatisfied Republicans but Democrat activists. And over-the-top behavior like this only confirms it.
Reminds me of a movie director's DVD commentary -- it was Chris Rock -- in which he complained about an over-acting extra. He couldn't afford to reshoot the scene, so he left it in. The scene took place in a crowded elevator with an old white lady next to a couple of black men. One of the black men made a remark that was supposed to shock the white lady. After he spoke, the lady cocked her head and stared slack jawed at the black guy. Over acting. Rock explained that a professional wouldn't have done that. Well, he got what he paid for.
And that's what Obama's OFA gets when they recruit extras to perform at the town hall meetings -- over acting zealots. It's obvious to the rest of us. And it's amusing to think that those activists watch these videos and chortle about how convincing they must be.
Addendum: Overheard conversation supplies evidence that the demonstrators strategized about how to create the impression they were Cassidy supporters, laughed at locals who couldn't get in.
1:46 PM 2/27/2017