OK, he's often offensive, but he's an equal opportunity offender. But seriously, ya just gotta love a guy who has the courage to be outrageous and enlightening at the same time.
Now is the time to put on our I'm-for-the-underdog hats and pull for him. He lost his book deal. He had his CPAC invitation withdrawn. He resigned his Breitbart gig. All of this resulted from some frank remarks about sex. Critics jumped on him about the subject of pedophilia. But if you read what he says -- the age of consent is rather arbitrary and doesn't take into consideration a person's actual physical development -- it sounds very rational. Especially so as he seemed to speak with the voice of experience.
Anyway, all he's left with now is his reputation and skill with people. Odds are he's going to make a successful comeback.
Coupla links: First, at Daily Mail: How a Cambridge dropout became the alt-right poster boy... before throwing it all away: Milo Yiannopoulos came out as gay in front of his whole school aged 14 and kept his taste for drama ever since ; and his own site, Milo.
12:56 PM 2/22/2017