Texas is more purple than red when it comes to the vote count. The fly-over parts are generally conservative, but the big cities are definitely progressive. The most prominent example is Austin which is the closer to San Francisco in political leaning than to any other part of Texas.
Mark Pulliam notes this in Blue Texas?. There he reminds us how progressive Austin, the public schools, the universities, and the press corps are. He concludes:
Their weapons are identity politics, multiculturalism, and political correctness. Texas’s conservative leaders must forcefully resist these corrosive factions.
Democrats speak of the "Conservative Ideology." That's a strange label -- the unifying factor is that conservatives generally just want to be left alone. Granted, the abortion issue is an exception, but that aside, conservatives are opposed to the day-to-day government control over our lives that Democrats seem to desire. Democrats often appear as though they are marching in lock step (David Horowitz' description.) Maybe that's what conservatives need to do.
1:11 PM 3/29/2017