The Black Lives Matter movement has been notably silent lately. Someone must have shushed them -- their financial backers? The DNC? In any event, they didn't bring out the Obama coalition vote in November and have probably been abandoned by high powered supporters.
That aside, one needs to remember some of their goals which included disarming police or establishing police no-go zones in inner cities. What would happen if they had been successful?
A comparison with Brazil might not be exactly on point as Brazil has so many other problems the U.S. doesn't have. (See what says about Brazil to get a flavor of what ordinary Brazilians are up against.) What brings Brazil to our attention now is this item from WaPo, Police went on strike in a Brazilian state. The result was near-anarchy:
Shots punctured the eerie silence as thieves held up pedestrians for their cars and purses, local media reported. In commercial centers throughout the area, packs of looters drove trucks into shop windows and carried whole racks of clothes and appliances on their backs.
This wave of near-anarchy has engulfed the state of Espirito Santo, a picturesque region along Brazil’s northeastern coast, since Feb. 4. That’s when the state police announced a general strike, leaving the streets open to gangs and petty criminals alike. The state government said that 143 people were slain in Espirito Santo between Feb. 4 and Feb. 13, compared to just four people in all of January.
Sounds horrible. One has to wonder how many Brazilians are seeking refuge status in the U.S.