The melting pot is no longer melting anything.
Long ago school kids were taught that the U.S. was a giant melting pot in which immigrants assimilated with those already in place. Unfortunately, the open borders movement discourages that in favor of a highly individualized identity with people of their own kind. It's no secret that those who favor a more restricted entry system are discouraged by that. And with 23 percent of students in public schools coming from immigrant households, it should be obvious that assimilation is more important than ever. But identity politics is a mainstay of the Democrat party.
So when we see news about killers who slaughtering random people, like the terrorist who used his vehicle to run down innocent individuals in London the other day, we tend to react with horror. He was a radicalized Brit known to police.
It's happening here, too. Is it in our schools? In any event, there's something going on that is teaching susceptible individuals to hate the U.S. and the west in general. In that regard, there's an enlightening piece at titled Assimilation, Not ‘Integration,’ Prevents Young Immigrants From Turning to Terrorism in which the authors reported about a leaked DHS study.
Nearly half of the foreign-born terrorists were under 16 years of age when they came to the United States. Demographers usually refer to this cohort as the “1.5 generation,” to differentiate it from first-generation immigrants who came here as adults and have not had their views and outlooks molded by our schools, media, and other institutions.
That distinction is important. Something about the way they are instructed, or entertained, in this country makes them more likely to want to harm people, not less.
It doesn't help that Democrats are so keen on divisions rather than similarities. If only Democrats loved the country as much as they hate Republicans.
1:11 PM 3/23/2017