Monica Showalter makes a convincing case that it was the Russians. Yeah, it's a conspiracy theory, but theories are all we can go on in the midst of all this business about moles, espionage, and spy craft. Her article is titled Wikileaks CIA Dump Has Some Peculiar Timing, and there she suggests the Russians are responsible.
A Wikileak of this sort is not only rare and specialized (when was the last time you saw a CIA secret splattered all over the Internet?) it was probably the work of Russian cyberspies, given that only the Russians are likely to have such capacity, as well as potential human penetrations on the inside. If so, it means a Russian power game is now in play, with just the right timing to support it.
She notes that Julian Assange's Wikileaks to date has only released information that supports Russian objectives and that if the Russians do take things personally, this could be blow back for all the accusations that Russians were conspiring with Trump's people to swing the election.
Binge on John Le Carre movies like I've been doing and you'll wish we had a George Smiley on our team.