That's a possible conclusion from a remark he made about priming the pump. Source is Trump Priming.
Conservatives reject Keynesianism outright. But actually the results are mixed. If it's done right, then there can be a return on the investment better than one for one. Most of the time it doesn't work, though. And that's probably because those doling out the money are merely handing out money to cronies. Obama's stimulus package was a good example of that, and it left a sour taste in a lot of people's mouths.
So now we have to wonder whether Trump can pull it off. Ramesh Ponnuru explains in the above linked article why he probably can't. But Trump can make deals. That's a given. And it's possible he just might be able to do what few have done and actually make Keynesianism work. We'll see.
Aside: Fans of political satire may recall the time when some sneaky individual held a sign at an Obama rally that asked: "Is Obama Keynesian?" Hilarity ensued as Obama fans, insecure about his background, leaped to denounce any suggestion that he was "Kenyan."