There was a time long ago when the ACLU might have been counted on to defend classical liberal values:
Classical liberalism" is the term used to designate the ideology advocating private property, an unhampered market economy, the rule of law, constitutional guarantees of freedom of religion and of the press, and international peace based on free trade.
Those days are gone. Lately the ACLU has gone all-in for the lefty agenda. And now their boogeyman is the Texas law prohibiting city governments from passing ordinances that would prohibit police from inquiring about immigration status of suspects, i.e., the infamous sanctuary city law recently signed by Governor Gregg Abbott.
But ACLU's advice to people to stay away from Texas may not be such a bad thing. There has been an influx of folks moving to Texas from failing Democrat held states. And the fear is that they don't understand what made the states of their former occupancy so bad. And they might bring their politics with them -- a desire for a big state government with high taxes, heavy regulations, and oodles of freebies.
So anyone in the ACLU's audience who thinks that way should probably heed the advice and not mess with Texas.
10:39 AM 5/10/2017