One doesn't have to look too hard to find someone openly questioning Maxine Waters' intellect. She opens her mouth and evidence pours out.
And there's the apparent wealth she has accumulated while in office. That should open all sorts of inquiries. But that's what most politicians do, so it would be hard to single her out for these type shenanigans.
But actually, maybe she's not so dumb after all. She knows her base. It's unlikely she could get elected to any office outside of her district, but she knows what her constituents want to hear, and she tells it to them. So in that sense, she's not so dumb. She merely typifies the Public Choice theory, to wit:
In the conventional “public interest” view, public officials are portrayed as benevolent “public servants” who faithfully carry out the “will of the people.” In tending to the public’s business, voters, politicians, and policymakers are supposed somehow to rise above their own parochial concerns. ...
But public choice, like the economic model of rational behavior on which it rests, assumes that people are guided chiefly by their own self-interests and, more important, that the motivations of people in the political process are no different from those of people in the steak, housing, or car market.
Nope, not dumb, she's simply in it to get all she can for herself.
1:49 PM 5/21/2017