It must have seemed like a good idea back in the days before we began seeing almost weekly reports of major internet hacks, massive information hijacking, and ransomware demands. Well, what do you know, here's one right here: The Latest: Pennsylvania health company restoring network.
Who could have seen this cyber-catastrophe coming? Plenty did. See How Electronic Medical Records Exploded In Doctors’ Faces And Politicians Got Off Scot-Free. That article concentrated more on government ineptitude than on cyber-crimes, although, to be fair, it's not clear which is worse.
Meanwhile, the folks at have a modest proposal: Is it time for cash for medical “Clunkers”?. Such a program would have the government buy up those antiquated Windows XP computers still favored among medical professionals to encourage them to upgrade their systems.
But is more government spending the answer? The medical professions seems to devote a great deal of effort in warding off or limiting malpractice suits. So maybe a few well placed lawsuits might be the factor motivating upgrades. Oh, and get the government out of healthcare, while you're at it.
1:31 PM 6/28/2017