Friday evening high winds hit Midland, Texas, and it felt and sounded like a hurricane. One report said wind speeds hit 74 mph which would qualify as a Category 1 hurricane were we not in the middle of the desert. So the next day the damage became visible as the sun came up -- tree limbs everywhere.
The city has a recycling area where citizens can dispose of downed limbs, and so many took advantage of it that there was a mini-traffic jam when I was there. But bless 'em, they were doing the right thing, unlike the dumpster hogs who filled up the neighborhood dumpsters with their limbs.
The city frowns on that. But frown is all they do. There's really no way to police the dumpsters without surveillance cameras, and that's a taxpayer expense no one wants to bear, never mind the intrusiveness. But without enforcement the hogs win the day.