The irony gushes from J. Christian Adams' article Ignoring the Signs in Alexandria: Baseball, Bullets, and Bloodshed. Seems that the neighborhood where the baseball practice field was located is covered with signs, some espousing ordinary friendship, but many expressing platitudes of social liberalism. To wit:
“Practice Kindness”
“Practice Kindness, Build Communities”
“Make America Kind Again”
“In this House We Believe Black Lives Matter, Women’s Rights Are Human Rights, No Human Is Illegal, Science Is Real, Love is Love, Kindness is Everything”
“In the Future I Hope That Coming Out Doesn’t Exist Because Everyone is Just Who They Are”
“No Matter Where You are From, We’re Glad You’re Our Neighbor.”
That's all so sweet. But it hides an underlying intolerance of the Left. Oh sure, most don't want to annihilate the opposition, but they wouldn't mind shutting them up.
What they need to do now is swap some of those signs with one that says something simply addressing the point, like "Tolerant people do NOT hate those with whom they disagree."
2:45 PM 6/17/2017