The Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017 (BCRA, i.e., Son of Obamacare) is hanging before the Senate, and as we noted the other day, five senators have come out against it. Let's take a look at one of them, Mike Lee of Utah. See The Missing Ingredient in BCRA: Humility. Here's the meat of that sammich:
And so, for all my frustrations about the process and my disagreements with the substance of BCRA, I would still be willing to vote for it if it allowed states and/or individuals to opt-out of the Obamacare system free-and-clear to experiment with different forms of insurance, benefits packages, and care provision options. Liberal states might try single-payer systems, while conservatives might emphasize health savings accounts. Some people embrace association health plans or so-called “medishare” ministry models. My guess is different approaches will work for different people in different places – like everything else in life.
When we last talked about Mike Lee he was discussing Iroquois Chief, federalism, and the founding fathers. You know, I like that cut of that guy's jib.
12:50 PM 6/26/2017