Mark Zukerberg is the latest prominent person to advocate for it.
And conservatives are vehemently opposed to it, because after all, our nation was built on personal responsibility. They have a point. But we're on the verge of socialism anyway with that "safety net" propping up a lot of able bodied citizens already.
The beauty of the basic minimum guaranteed income as it's been proposed by Charles Murray and others it that extinguishes all over subsidies. That would include welfare, social security, SSI, food stamps, and all other forms of subsidies. Overall, they say it will be cheaper.
If it were to be implemented as they propose, it probably would be cheaper. But all those stuck cows will be screaming like stuck pigs. Under the guise of opposition to socialism, those beneficiaries of government largess will stop it from ever happening. Too bad.
As much power to influence as Mark Zukerberg has with the Facebook mind control tool, it's doubtful he could change attitudes enough to get this one through. Heck, Congress is so set in the status quo that it can't even adopt something as beneficial to the people as tax reform.
Meanwhile, as conservative argue it goes too far. Progressives argue that it doesn't go far enough and should also ensure a guaranteed job. Now we're talking real socialism.