There was a time not too awfully long ago when a person who identified as the opposite sex was thought to have a psychological problem. Special interest groups put so much pressure on the psychology industry that they acquiesced to the idea that it was no longer a disorder. These days someone who disagrees is a bigot, a redneck, a hillbilly, or a plain old, politically incorrect, curmudgeon.
But how do we square that with this: Texas House Speaker Didn’t Want Suicide Over ‘Bathroom Bill’:
“I’m not a lawyer, but I am a Texan,” said Straus, according to the magazine. “I’m disgusted by all this. Tell the lieutenant governor I don’t want the suicide of a single Texan on my hands.”
Aides to Straus did not return emails Monday.
The comment appeared to echo concerns raised by LGBT rights groups that efforts to restrict which bathrooms transgender people can use further marginalize a group of people who at least one recent survey has shown attempt suicide at a higher-than-average rate.
Well, I'm not a shrink, but I am a Texan, to paraphrase Speaker Straus. And it seems to me that if suicide is so common among transgender people, that should serve as evidence that there is a serious psychological issue at play here.
1:16 PM 7/4/2017