There was a poll conducted recently -- Fox News Poll: Most don't think Founding Fathers would be proud of nation -- and it seems so presumptuous.
If you were to take someone out of the 18th century and pop them into the 21st century their brains would explode from information overload. With that in mind, people today attributing coherent thoughts into those ancient heads may actually be complimentary.
Nevertheless, here's an excerpt from the above linked article:
How would the Founding Fathers feel? A record 79 percent of voters think if Washington, Jefferson, and the rest were alive today, they wouldn’t be too thrilled. Large majorities across the political spectrum feel that way, including 83 percent of independents, 80 percent of Republicans, and 78 percent of Democrats.
Meanwhile, 64 percent of voters are optimistic about the economy right now, while one-third is pessimistic (32 percent). Key Republican constituencies are among those feeling the most positive, as large numbers of white evangelicals (78 percent), whites without a college degree (71 percent), and men (69 percent) all feel at least somewhat optimistic.
It's hard to square that with this: Bill to create panel that could remove Trump from office quietly picks up Democratic support. Those Republican constituencies voting in the above linked poll who were feeling the most positive will not likely go along with this. And where would you find a president who would sign such a bill knowing full well that it's aimed at him?
Drain the swamp, make American great again, and have a happy Fourth of July!
1:31 PM 7/1/2017