She's quoted in Maxine Waters: I’ll Run For President If Millennials Want Me To:
WASHINGTON — California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters, a favorite among liberal progressives, told The Daily Caller Thursday that this weekend’s scheduled appearance in New Hampshire has nothing to do with potentially running for president in 2020.
But she said that she would run for president if millennials want her to.
“I’m just going up to do a county Democratic thing. That’s all,” she said.
When TheDC pressed further, Waters, an outspoken critic of President Donald Trump, said laughing, “I’m not running for anything but my own seat. I don’t have any presidential aspirations. If the millennials want me to do it, I’d do it, though.”
In this age of identity politics, if anyone can pick his/her sex, then age should be an easy one. Today I identify as a millennial.
Although, Maxine Waters is joking about 2020 — but not about Trump. It wasn't as much a joke as it was a feeler. She's on a listening tour, just like Hillary Clinton's famous listening tours led her to believe voters wanted her.
Today I identify not only as a millennial but as a spokesperson for millennials. And in that capacity, I say, "Run, Maxine, run!"
1:47 PM 7/21/2017