The Midland Development Board dumped a load of money into the rosy idea of Midland, Texas, having a space port from which Xcor could carry paying passengers on short trips into space. That dreamy outlook wasn't shared by many of the taxpayers whose money was used to fund the company's plan.
Now we are learning that the whole thing may be falling apart. See XCOR Aerospace lays off remaining employees.
"Build it and they will come," was a line from a movie. And rather than accepting it as a statement of fact, it probably should be categorized with the cargo cults whereby primitive tribes built rudimentary airports to draw in airliners.
Meanwhile, SpaceX is the company to watch with their ingenious plan to reuse rockets to increase the frequency of launches.
Previously at this blog:
Would you buy stock in XCOR?
With the sizzle XCOR provided, Midland could probably live without the steak
Midland Development Corporation should watch Shark Tank
Midland Space Port -- "build it and they will come" sounds so much better than "cargo cult".
1:25 PM 7/11/2017