Fox News Channel's drift to the left is becoming more obvious all the time. A case in point is the program that replaced "The Five" in the afternoon slot. The new show is Fox News Specialists which originally featured Eric Bolling. But he's on the outs now due to some unsubstantiated charge of texting lewd photos.
Fox News Specialists now features a new hire, Eboni Williams. The other day she let loose with a tirade against Donald Trump with the same venom that followers of the news have been inundated with lately. Anyone who hasn't heard that side of the issue would have had to have their heads buried in sand.
Anyway, there may be good news on the horizon. "The Five" might be returning to the original afternoon time slot. Peter Barry Chowka tells us about it in Big Changes Imminent at Fox News. You can read the whole thing to get speculation of those changes. However, he does quote Eboni Williams, to wit:
President Trump, I do not know your heart, but what I do know for sure is that you've clearly done the math. You've decided that the portion of your base that is absolutely racist is so significant, so valuable that you hesitate – even in the face of blatant, flagrant hatred – to risk turning them off and thereby crippling your political stronghold[.] ...
You remember when you said your base would stick with you even if you shot someone on Fifth Avenue? I think you are right. I think they will stick with you through anything[.] ... They will even stick with you while you calm their fears and deep-seated anger around their perceived depreciation of the intrinsic value of whiteness in this country. Let's be honest: That's what this is all really about.
So another lefty had to get something off her chest. TV viewers can get that from MSM. For example, take a look at this breathless title: 'He is president of the white nationalist movement': Joe Scarborough cuts vacation short to deliver impassioned denouncement of 'despicable' Trump on his MSNBC morning show.
To get the other side you have to seek it out. People tune into Fox News to get the other side. Roger Ailes was onto something. We shall see if he had a lasting impact.
12:26 PM 8/16/2017