The cable news networks are all hurricane, all the time. It's non stop, 24-7. The network producers probably love hurricanes because they don't have to produce any original content. They just let the on-air personalities talk and talk.
Mike Rowe on a podcast described his gig on a TV shopping channel. In the hiring process he was handed a pencil and told to talk about it for several minutes. He got the job. That has to be similar to the application process for the cable news channels' on-air jobs, because they seem to be able to produce endless babble.
We can't forget Dan Rather's contribution to the genre -- a reporter standing outside describing the wind and rain. Now that particular cliche is a staple of TV news.
Hurricane Irma must have seemed like a golden opportunity for them. But viewers not in hurricane range tuned them out. And those in range were probably trying to evacuate. So the only people who really appreciated all that coverage were those reporters who were standing out in the rain.