Prior to the November election I proclaimed myself to be a one issue voter: A Supreme Court Justice nominee who was more constitutional than ideological to replace Scalia. Trump came through with Neil Gorsuch. So I should probably just sit down and shut up instead of greedily wanting more good judges. But it certainly is reassuring to see articles like this: 5th Trump judicial nominee confirmed, outpacing Obama, Bush. Trump is coming through without my help.
Trump has appointed a good slate of federal judges, and Democrats are grasping at straws (or straw men) to find ways to complain. Most notable is Dianne Feinstein's objection to Trump's 7th Circuit Court of Appeals nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, because Barrett is Catholic.
Feinstein must have forgotten the time way back in the 1960s when the Democrat icon John F. Kennedy had to explain that party dogma meant more to him than his Catholicism. Democrats grabbed onto that and were all in for JFK. I don't know whether senility is a genuine medical word or a pejorative. But one has to wonder about 84 year old Feinstein.
Meanwhile, President Trump, please keep up the good work on judgeship nominations. Oh, and just ignore Al Franken who can't quite be either the funny clown or the scary clown.