We've seen this movie before. A scandal erupts around a Republican candidate, and the Republican tries to stick it out but eventually gets defeated on election day along with several other Republicans. This is a rerun, and Roy Moore is the McGuffin this time.
The more I hear about Roy Moore, the more I think he should step aside for the good of the country. The tipping point for me was the story about how Moore was banned from a mall because he was trolling for teens.
To be sure -- as Steve Bannon and others have said -- the timing of the WaPo exposure is highly suspect. But that's what they do. That's who they are.
If Moore had experienced some religious awakening and changed his ways, that might get him some distance from his past. But he appears to be another bible thumping sinner trying to use religion as a cover. Democrats can get away with it by championing women's causes, etc., but Republicans have no place to hide.
If he is still in the campaign by the time of the Alabama special election, and he loses, then there goes one senate seat to Democrats. If he wins, then Democrats will wipe the floor with Republicans in November 2018.
The current Republican control of the house and senate looks disorderly and dysfunctional. They will eventually get it together before voters get fed up. But even the disorder is better than the orderly lockstep Democrat march to Marxism.
6:37 AM 11/15/2017