Donald Trump drives Democrats crazy with his tweets. But how about that Nancy Pelosi?
She won't drive you crazy, but she'll make you question the sanity of voters who keep her in office, because there's a hostility there that makes a person want California to secede. According to Michael van der Galien in Nancy Pelosi to California Republicans: 'You Don't Belong Here', here's what she said:
I want every single California Republican to understand this. Your ideology doesn’t come first. Your party doesn’t come first. The PEOPLE come first. If you fail to recognize that, you don’t belong here.
Do Democrats recognize that the people come first? Or do they really want people with whom they disagree to leave the state? Pelosi loves the power the voters have given her and the wealth she's accumulated as a result.
Those of us out here in flyover country are probably wishing the Calexit plan could be successful.
3:09 PM 12/5/2017