We talked about high intensity interval training a couple of months ago. At that time the high end calculation for the maximum heart rate (HRmax) was the Tanaka formula, 208 – (0.7 x age).
But wouldn't you know? A team of researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology have come out with a formula that gives us an even higher maximum rate. So the hiit workouts just got harder.
Click the hyperlink to get to their Maximum Heart Rate Calculator. Their formula is 211 – (0.64 x age). For me result is about 7.3 bpm higher.
Here's their recommended routine:
1. Start with a ten minute warm-up at approximately 60 % of HRmax to get you sweating.
2. Do four intervals, each four minutes long. The last two minutes of each interval, your heart rate should be at 90–95 % of HRmax, so you become short of breath. Use the first two minutes of each interval to reach this heart rate level.
3. Between each interval, your should perform active resting at a heart rate of approximately 70 % of HRmax. This is the zone where the body clears lactic acid most efficiently.
4. End with a ten minute cool-down with lighter activity after the last interval.
Previously: Hiit, mother nature and father time.
Good luck.
1:30 PM 3/31/2018