Maybe the voting will be complete by the time this post gets published. But as of the time of this writing, Dianne Feinstein claims she will vote against the confirmation of Gina Haspel as CIA director. The issue has become another partisan cause for those who want to oppose anything and everything Donald Trump proposes.
Whatever happens, it's useful to recall that Ms. Haspel was the one who implemented the destruction of the video recordings that may have existed of the actual enhanced recover techniques in operation. The reason for the destruction was to protect the identity of those who participated in the project.
In that connection, it's also useful to recall that Feinstein or someone in her office leaked enough information to the media that allowed them to identify at least one of the psychologists who came up with the enhanced interrogation techniques that eventually go put in place. That psychologist had to go undercover for a while to avoid potential assassins. Read the story in James Mitchell's book, "Enhanced Interrogation." The book was reviewed at How the Use of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques Saved Thousands of American Lives.
There have been many other Feinstein leaks. Is there any doubt that if those enhanced interrogation videos still existed they would eventually appear in terrorist propaganda videos?
2:49 PM 5/11/2018