Mark Steyn, once when talking about media bias, made the witty reference to the dish soap commercial in which the manicurist brags about how mild Palmolive soap is and tells customer Marge, "You're soaking it it."
The media are not the only ones soaking in it. The people in the top echelon of the FBI are too. While I haven't read the book put out the other day by the Inspector General, there are plenty of astute observers who have. See, for example, Kimberly Strassel's article Insubordination and Bias at FBI. Alternate link. Excerpt:
Be ready to hear the report absolves the FBI and DOJ of “bias.” Not true. It very carefully states that “our review did not find documentary or testimonial evidence directly connecting the political views these employees expressed in their text messages and instant messages to the specific investigative decisions we reviewed.” Put another way, he never caught anyone writing down: Let’s start this Trump investigation so we can help Hillary win.
But the bias is everywhere. It’s in the texts between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, and those of three other employees who are routinely “hostile” to Candidate Trump. It’s in Ms. Page’s freak-out that Mr. Trump might win the presidency and Mr. Strzok’s reply: “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.” It’s in a message from an unnamed agent in November 2016 who writes that although the FBI found Clinton aide Huma Abedin had “lied,” it doesn’t matter since “no one at DOJ is going to prosecute.” To which a second agent replies. “Rog—noone is going to pros[ecute] even if we find unique classified.”
Related: Andrew C. McCarthy reveals how the IG's report adroitly avoided stating the obvious in The IG’s Report May Be Half-Baked.
Well, after all, they are soaking in it.
1:53 PM 6/16/2018