These days whenever we see or hear a news item in which one individual describes some act of racism it's probably a prudent approach to give it at least a 50% chance of being fake.
But it's probably hard for a reporter to put that principle in effect when he is staring at a super salacious story about racism.
That's what happened in our neighbor city of Odessa, TX, the other day. You've probably heard the story. First, a waiter claimed that a customer wrote a racist note on a receipt. Here's the Odessa American's first report complete with a glowing portrayal of the claimant: Racist receipt at restaurant condemned.
It took the restaurant owner's own investigators to do the fact checking -- the note was faked. But let's give credit to the Odessa American for reporting that important narrative breaker a week later in Saltgrass COO, waiter say racism story made up. Oops.
Does anyone wonder why so many people don't trust the media?
P.S. Newspeak addition: "Terrorist" is now a racial epithet.
5:37 AM 7/25/2018