In an opinion piece published in, Virginia Heffernan wrote this in Who cares who wrote the anonymous op-ed? America has to deal with a soft coup d’etat in the White House:
There’s nothing comforting about a soft coup d’etat in the White House — made up of unnamed vigilantes who are accountable to no one — serving as a thin, self-appointed line between the life and death of the republic. In a democracy, a coup is no response to a despot. It’s a recipe for more despotism.
Well said. The objective of the piece was to exhort readers to focus less on who wrote the anonymous NYT deep state editorial but more on how to stop Trump. But that part really hit a bullseye.
Aside: One has to wonder if an editorial from an anonymous insider that gets so much national attention causes a little jealousy among those who try to make a living writing editorials.