There were some mysterious goings on between Ford and her lawyers, Debra Katz and Lisa Banks. For one, unless someone was lying, they didn't tell Ford about the offer to bring the Senators to her so she wouldn't have to take that dreadful airplane ride.
Tim Carney tells us more in Are Christine Blasey Ford's attorneys really working for her, or for the Democrats?. Spoiler: it's the Democrats. Here are Carney's key points:
Why would they refuse Grassley’s offer to give Ford exactly the sort of venue she wanted?
We don’t know, but we can guess.
What do you think was better for Democrats’ politics here: a quiet deposition of sorts, or a huge spectacle on cable TV? The bigger the spectacle, the longer delay, the better it is for Democrats, and the worse it is for Ford.
Then throw in a couple of more details: Somebody leaked Ford’s letter to Feinstein, seemingly some time after Feinstein had deployed Katz and Banks to represent Ford. Somebody brought public an allegation Ford had said she didn’t want public.
All in all, there are plenty of reasons to suspect that Ford has lawyers who aren’t working for her, but for the Democratic Party.
It's mostly speculation. But it's all very plausible. And Democrats have certainly not given us much reason to give them the benefit of the doubt in this matter.
9:51 AM 10/3/2018