For those of us who didn't pay much attention to Jeff Flake until he had that dramatic planned encounter with skilled Democrats activists prior to the Kavanaugh confirmation vote, he certainly has our attention now.
He tried to block Kavanaugh, and now he's trying to block Trump's other judicial appointments. See Jeff Flake’s Sad Exit for the grimy details.
An experienced politician wouldn't attempt to stop a train without a goal in mind. He doesn't plan to run for reelection to the Senate, so what exactly is his plan for the future? Someone angling for a lobbyist job wouldn't be trying to garner so much negative attention from Republicans. So there must be something else out there he wants.
Maybe it's a seat at some Democrat funded think tank. Maybe he thinks he has a shot at the Democrat Vice President spot on the 2020 ballot.
However, these days the most lucrative jobs are in TV. We probably shouldn't be surprised to learn soon that MSNBC or CNN has signed him onto their payroll. We'll see.
2:18 PM 11/30/2018