Socialism is great for those on the receiving side of the equation -- not so great for those on the paying side. And that's the problem. Eventually the people paying will wise up and shut down.
Democrats running for office have figured out that the way to get votes is to promise free stuff. And the promise that is growing in popularity is Medicare-for-all. Those making that promise have yet to explain how it will be paid for.
And just in time for a spot in the debate is the report titled 2018 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARDS OF TRUSTEES OF THE FEDERAL HOSPITAL INSURANCE AND FEDERAL SUPPLEMENTARY MEDICAL INSURANCE TRUST FUNDS. It's too long for most of us to want to wade through. So here's a short cut: 5 Key Takeaways From the 2018 Medicare Trustees' Report. There we learn that "... the recently released 2018 trustees report found that the HI trust fund is now expected to be depleted in 2026 -- three years earlier than previously expected. This is just eight years away." ("HI" stands for the hospital insurance part of Medicare part A.)
The main reason that socialism doesn't work for long is because someone has to pay for it. One of the early predictions about the U.S. governing experiment was that it would last only until the voters realized that they could raid the treasury. Now it seems as though politicians realize that telling voters they can get a slice of the treasury will get the politicians votes.
1:58 PM 12/19/2018