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January 03, 2019


I'll begrudgingly admit that many of the things Trump has done are good for the country too. But his character falls short of what we'd expect - nay, demand - out of an 8 yr old child.

(Seriously, how are we supposed to reconcile that school-age children are REQUIRED to be better-behaved than the President of the most powerful nation in the world.)

Part of any position of leadership, but certainly a public office, is being an example for your subordinates or constituents. It isn't (only) that Donald isn't up to that task, but more that has no regard for that prerequisite and you might even make a case that he has nothing but contempt for anyone whose last name isn't "Trump."

It isn't that Trump isn't likable, the issue is that he's almost entirely detestable and indignantly stupid. Perhaps he's still the lesser evil (which is why he got my vote) but he only clears that very low bar by the slightest margin.

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