I listen to the local outlet of the regional public radio station -- Marfa Public Radio -- so I can keep up with the version of news progressives are exposed to. But sometimes they try too hard to misdirect. But to be fair, maybe they don't know they are misdirecting.
A case in point was a report broadcast in the program, Texas Standard, which purports to provide news occurring in Texas. That day the interlocutor was interviewing a reporter about the state legislative proceedings leading up to a decision that pertained to abortion and planned parenthood.
The reporter said that the secret video of Planned Parenthood employees talking about selling baby parts was shown to the legislators who wanted to see it. The interlocutor immediately interrupted to say, "the video was edited," implying that it had to have been fake news.
That's the sort of thing that drives conservatives nuts. A panel of judges no less authoritative than the U.S. 5th Circuit ruled that the video was authentic.
It brings to mind that famous Ronald Reagan quote: "It's not that liberals aren't smart, it's just that so much of what they know isn't so."
1:28 PM 5/26/2019