A Pew poll obtained some remarkable results when they asked residents in multiple democracies whether they were satisfied or dissatisfied with how democracy works. See the results at The countries where people are most dissatisfied with how democracy is working. The image on the right is a snap shot of the chart on display there.
The Pew analysis suggests that whether a particular economy is good or bad has a bearing on how the residents feel about democracy. But with the U.S. economy doing well at the moment, it's odd that 58% are in the dissatisfied column. But there's something else that factored in -- whether elected officials care what ordinary people think. In that one, 58% in the U.S. described their country as one in which elected officials do not care about the people.
Now it's starting to make sense. And that helps explain why Donald Trump remains so popular and congress not so much. But there's still the mystery of why so many Americans seem to want socialism, a system which requires so many untruths and false promises to get established but which will lead to great disappointment when it becomes obvious that the people in government will benefit to a much greater extent than the ordinary people.
3:46 PM 6/7/2019