This post started out about the rise of fake hate crimes. And by at least one account less than a third of hate crime allegations were genuine.
Of course, that's not to say that here are no hate crimes. And one that appears to have happened just in the past few days was against a chronicler of fake hate crimes. See Antifa Mob Viciously Assaults Journalist Andy Ngo at Portland Rally. Police arrested three. Hopefully they were the right three.
The rise of fake hate crimes is inspired by the potential for sympathetic media coverage. After all, had very many people ever heard of Jussie Smollett before he hit the headlines with his outrageous, but debunked, claim to hate crime victim status?
Meanwhile, those of us out here in flyover country have developed a knee jerk reaction to hate crime allegations which compels us to say, "Slow down, let's wait for the evidence."
10:53 AM 6/30/2019