I've given handouts to panhandlers in the past. And while working in downtown Houston years ago I tried to keep some McDonald's gift cards on hand for them. Some of them were mentally ill, and that was often obvious. But there was always that nagging feeling that those who looked and acted somewhat normal could have provided for themselves if they tried.
Anyway, seeing this headline from nearby Abilene, TX, doesn't alleviate that feeling: Abilene Police Chief Standridge: Man in wheelchair is not homeless, earns $1,000 weekly:
"He is not wheelchair-bound, but is instead dropped off every weekend to seek charity. He earns about $1,000 for his efforts, just working the weekends," Standridge said. ...
"Imagine if those dollars were given to nonprofits to help get our homeless neighbors off the streets," Standridge said.
Meanwhile, whatever became of those "Will work for food" signs we used to see? Maybe they all got jobs.
1:25 PM 8/2/2019