Sometimes it seems as though some of the hard core lefties wear death threats like red badges of courage.
We hear from news sources that an individual was so disturbed by President Trump's phone conversation with the Ukrainian president that he just had to become a whistle blower to out the whole conversation. The transcript was released, however it wasn't the smoking gun we were led to believe it would be.
And the whistle blower has gone underground. Anonymous. Identity hidden. Full Jason Bourne.
But now those news sources are rationalizing the anonymity by alleging death threats were made against said whistle blower.
The obvious question that arises is this: How exactly does one make a death threat against someone the threatener can't identify? Presumably, the threats come through social media. But if so, wouldn't there be a pixel trail of some sort?
In any event, it often seems that some public figures love to boast about death threats they've received. Reminds me of the old SNL skit in which socialites at a cocktail party bragged about the crack babies they've adopted.
Meanwhile, many conservatives are opting to stay undercover because of real fears of threats coming from the left, e.g., Jordan B. Peterson film sparks threats: 'We really don't want to have to bring out the guillotine'.
1:33 PM 10/21/2019