This happens all too often, and dammit, this was at my old alma mater. Kids, if you squelch someone's free speech it will eventually happen to you, too.
Here's University of North Texas staff attorney resigns less than 24 hours after sparking controversy by using N-word as example during free-speech event:
At the event, titled “When Hate Comes to Campus,” Sewell said the following during her presentation:
“You know, you can say a lot of offensive things in here because it’s impossible to talk about the First Amendment without saying horrible things. Um, you know, ‘You’re just a dumb n----- and I hate you.’ That alone, that’s protected speech.”
Um, no. It's not protected from the PC mob. The pressure resulted in her resignation the next day.
And it's yet another example of selective outrage. Jason L. Riley made this observation a couple of months ago (Alternate link):
White people are led to believe that a word that has permeated the most popular forms of comedy and music in the country for decades somehow sends black people into conniptions when they hear it in any other context. But the first time I recall hearing the word as a child, it was spoken by other blacks, and my experience is far from unique. Even today, blacks are far more likely than whites to use the term in public. And the selective outrage over its use has grown tiresome.
Tiresome indeed. Yet still dangerous.
P.S. It's worth noting that she resigned on her on volition. Governor Abbott signed S.B. 18 in June -- effective in September -- which is supposed to protect free speech at institutions of higher education.
2:28 PM 11/10/2019