I was a regular Imus in the Morning watcher back when Don Imus had a morning show on MSNBC. The show was entertaining -- one funny routine involved a Bill Clinton impersonator phoning in as "Bill, from Chappaqua." Although some of the humor was rather sophomoric, the good outweighed the bad.
And he was a good interviewer. Typically some famous politician was a guest, and Imus grilled him/her with enough skill to elicit information and leave the politician wanting to come back.
The staff at MSNBC hated him, and when he made some inappropriate joke about a women's sports team, they pounced. The staff won, and Imus got sacked. But he landed on his feet with a show on satellite radio.
Anyway, according to news reports, Don Imus passed away yesterday, December 27. May he rest in peace.
Meanwhile, several of those who worked for him went on to earn some success on their own. Janice Dean comes to mind. She is currently working as a meteorologist on Fox News Channel and is probably quite popular. The only thing about her I recollect while she was on Imus in the Morning was a comment she made that she had just watched Michael Moore's anti-gun movie, "Bowling for Columbine," and Dean said every American should see it. She exemplified the principle that anyone can make dumb remarks and still be successful.
5:10 AM 12/28/2019